Kathryn L. Bonnen
Previous degree from Michigan State University
UT Austin: Section of Neurobiology
Kathryn Bonnen is interested in human perception and learning. She intends to use neuroimaging (i.e., functional magnetic resonance imaging - fMRI), behavioral experiments, and computational modeling to better understand how the brain accumulates knowledge, integrates that knowledge, and leverages it during decision making.

I-Hsiao Michelle Chen
Modern Chinese Literature
Previous degree from Wesleyan University
UT Austin: Department of Asian Studies
Michelle Chen studies Sinophone literature and culture, and how identities and localities are articulated in works written/produced in Chinese. She is interested in the ways in which the Chinese language is morphed, altered, and created by various writers/filmmakers/musicians in modern times, and its literary, political and cultural implications.

Pai-Yen Chen
Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics and Nanoelectromagnetics
Previous degree from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
UT Austin: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pai-Yen Chen’s research interests cover different aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology: (1) graphene and other nanocarbon-based future electronic and photonic devices; and (2) energy harvest, information process, sensing, and nonlinear wave mixing based on optical nanoantennas and metamaterials.

Hsiu-Rong Cheng
Postpartum Women's Health
Previous degree from Kaoshsiung Medical University, Taiwan
UT Austin: School of Nursing
Hsiu-Rong Cheng is currently researching the trajectories of changes in postpartum weight and waist circumference in Taiwanese women. She also wants to examine the effects of pre-pregnant weight, gestational weight gain, parity, and psychosocial factors on postpartum weight retention and postpartum obesity.

Cameron Strang
History of Science in Early America
Previous degree from Univerrsity of New Hampshire - Durham
UT Austin: Department of History
Cameron B. Strang studies the history of science in early America and its borderlands. He focuses on the production and circulation of knowledge in the former French and Spanish colonies along the Gulf Coast, and how local knowledge in this region shaped both science and territorial expansion in the United States on the whole.

Caroline Stratton
Information Studies
Previous degree from Georgia Institute of Technology
UT Austin: School of Information Studies
Caroline Stratton is interested in digital libraries and creating access to archives through digitization. She seeks to design effective, elegant systems for navigation and retrieval of information.
Contact: Dr. Marvin L. Hackert
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